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A Private Leadership, Business, & Organizational Development Consulting Firm

About Banner Cross

Banner Cross uses a whole systems design approach to business transformation that starts with deep foundational knowledge of what it takes to start up and sustain a business in the Pacific Northwest Region. Our systemic focus considers the people, processes, structures, information and technologies required to enable small, urban, and multicultural companies and their leadership to not only get better but “get different!” (Roger Martin, Dean of Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto). Getting different means learning how to turn your information into knowledge, attracting funding and high-performance people to your business, having a vigorous and innovative workplace, and sustaining a dynamic and creative design process.

Banner Cross provides individuals, small businesses, and corporations a balanced approach to leadership and management development. Our leadership approach takes an entrepreneurial perspective and focuses on innovation and creativity. Our management approach takes a risk mitigation perspective and focuses on controls and constraints. Banner Cross’ consulting services are custom designed. Contact us today and let us know how we can help your organization improve its performance.

About Skip

Dr. Skip Rowland is author of The C.A.R.E. Package Learning Systemsm, a whole systems design transformational, disruptive, cognitive technology applied to the human-to-human transactions and interrelationships. Skip has been bringing the message of C.A.R.E. to national and international audiences for over 30 years. His mission is to equip his audience with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their businesses or careers amidst shifting learning paradigms in a highly complex world.

Skip holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Psychology from Chapman, a Master of Science degree in Human Resources Management from Gonzaga, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Seattle University. Skip has taught at Antioch University, University of Washington School of Business, Pacific Lutheran University, City University and K-12 and high schools across the Pacific Northwest Region and Canada.

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About The CARE Package Learning Systemsm

Banner Cross has deeply researched and designed successful business and career development best practices to enable individuals to achieve a high quality of life. We have captured the essence of these best practices in a human performance and lifestyle improvement model we call The CARE Package Learning Systemsm. The model is grounded in whole systems design as a discipline, entrepreneurship as a mindset, and mind/body psychology as an approach to human and organizational development. The CARE Package Learning Systemsm serves as a framework for The Entrepreneurial Mindsetsm, which is the learning mode of choice for high performance players in the game of life.

Client List

• African Chamber of Commerce
• Amazon
• Bellevue School District
• Boeing
• City of Seattle
• City of Spokane
• Central Spokane Valley School District
• Eastern European Chamber of Commerce
• Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce
• Hire America's Heroes

• Joint Base Lewis McChord
• Microsoft
• Penticton, BC School District
• Vancouver, BC School District
• Seattle School District
• Washington Lottery
• Washington State Department of Personnel
• Washington State Employment Security Department
• Washington State Department of Transportation
• Washington State Vietnamese American Chamber of Commerce
